Home Publications How assessment practices can foster high order thinking skills

How assessment practices can foster high order thinking skills

The need to nurture learners’ thinking skills both in Uganda and internationally has become a focus of education. This is apparent as studies consistently show the significance of thinking skills for learners both in school and later in life.
The intent of this paper is to explore the role of assessment practices and teaching methods in Uganda in fostering higher order thinking skills. The study used a descriptive analytical research method to analyse the underlying mechanisms of national examinations and how they relate to teaching and learning.
Data sources and analysis included official documents from the Ministry of Education and Sports, and Government of Uganda as well as academic literature about assessment and examinations. Analysing the current assessment and examinations at the
Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) level, we argue that these assessments and examinations can be one of the ways to compel teachers refocus their pedagogical practices towards learners’ thinking skills.
We, however, also acknowledge that this approach can only be successful if teachers possess the technical capabilities to nurture these skills. We also highlight the significant role of a school environment that fosters a culture which encourages and rewards learners for asking questions, challenging colleagues and teachers’ points of view without fear of being punished or reprimanded for challenging authority.

Find the study here:http:http://lgihe.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/HOT-education-9-10-2-1.pdf
