Home Publications The Evaluation of PCE’s Teachers’ Training Programme in Uganda 2015

The Evaluation of PCE’s Teachers’ Training Programme in Uganda 2015

AVSI-USA and the Permanent Centre for Education (PCE – now known as the Luigi Giussani Institute of Higher Learning, LGIHE) implemented a school-based training program for teachers and management, which proposes a return to the core substance of education and encourages the integration of the school community around the task of educating children in all of their dimensions.

The objective of the training and accompaniment phase is for teachers to gain a better appreciation of their role as educators and of the importance of relationships to the process of teaching and learning. The overarching goals seek improved protection and well-being of teachers, improved learning outcomes and greater commitment of teachers to their profession.

This evaluation examined the impact of teacher training on teachers’ attitudes and behaviors towards students. Specifically, we measure whether teachers’ attitudes and beliefs about education and the degree of trust between teachers and students change as a result of the training. In addition, we measured whether the training had an impact on reducing abusive discipline and improving positive attitudes, and whether the intensity of the program makes a difference in achieving the above mentioned results.

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